For your first visit, bring all insurance information. Bring all of your MRIs. After our PPC Pain Care Team takes a full history and examines you, they will review your images with you. Together, you and our team will discuss your present pain, possible causes for your pain, and treatment options for you. This may include injections, medications, or physical therapy. We will likely discuss other issues that play a role in your pain, such as depression, nutrition, exercise, obesity, smoking.
If you are a new patient, you will undergo a complete history and physical as outlined above. You will need to bring all pertinent records and your actual MRI films. You need to bring a driver in case you have numbness afterwards. Our PPC Pain Care Team will explain the procedure to you in detail. Please ask if something is not clear to you. Almost all procedures are complete with the use of fluoroscopy. You will lie on a special table face down. You will be positioned for comfort. The area to be injected will be cleaned off sterilely. You will receive local anesthetic prior to the injection itself. We will explain everything as they go during the procedure. Afterwards, you will need to wait in the clinic for 20 minutes and must check out with a nurse before leaving. We usually will see you back in a few weeks after the injection. You are encouraged to call in the interim if you have any questions.
Our PPC Pain Care Team is committed to affordable health care. Our staff will verify your insurance and notify you of coverage. We participate with most major insurance carriers. You are responsible for your co-pay on the date of service. PPC does have a cash discount policy with reduced rates for those without insurance. PPC does not accept third party payment.
Call and leave a message on the refill line. Always give at least 5 days notice for refills. Refills will completed by the next business day. Never assume that a prescription will be refilled on the day it is requested.