Pain in the neck and the head can originate from a number of sources, such as compressed nerves in the cervical spine, arthritis in the joints of the spine, or degenerative changes in the spine. Pain can also generate from surrounding muscles and ligaments of the neck. Dr. Eller and Dr. White critically think about your particular story, your exam, and your imaging studies to first try to understand the source of the pain and then to formulate a plan for treating you. Examples of procedures provided by Dr. Eller and Dr. White for neck pain include:
Pain in the lower back and legs can originate from a number of sources, such as compressed nerves in the lumbar spine, arthritis in the joints of the spine, or degenerative changes in the spine. Pain can also generate from surrounding muscles and ligaments of the spine and neighboring joints such as the knees, hips, and Sacroilliac Joint. Dr. Eller and Dr. White critically think about your particular story, your exam, and your imaging studies to first try to understand the source of the pain and then to formulate a plan for treating you. Examples of procedures provided by Dr. Eller and Dr. White for lower back pain include:
Pain in the lower back and legs can originate from a number of sources, such as compressed nerves in the lumbar spine, arthritis in the joints of the spine, or degenerative changes in the spine. Pain can also generate from surrounding muscles and ligaments of the spine and neighboring joints such as the knees, hips, and Sacroilliac Joint. Dr. Eller and Dr. White critically think about your particular story, your exam, and your imaging studies to first try to understand the source of the pain and then to formulate a plan for treating you. Examples of procedures provided by Dr. Eller and Dr. White for lower back pain include:
Nerve Pain or Neuropathy can originate from a number of sources, such as compressed nerves in the lumbar spine, referred pain from degenerative discs, or degenerative changes in the spine as the nerves exit. Pain can also generate from joints such as the knees, hips, and Sacroilliac Joint. Neuropathy is complicated, but that does not mean you have to suffer in pain. Dr. Eller and Dr. White critically think about your particular story, your exam, and your imaging studies to first try to understand the source of the pain and then to formulate a plan for treating you. Examples of procedures provided by Dr. Eller and Dr. White for sciatica type pain include:
Cancer pain is complicated, often from multiple sources. Historically cancer pain has been treated with opioids as the sole treatment. We have better options now. There are medications with different mechanisms of action for different types of pain that could benefit you. Diagnostic and therapeutic injections can help in some situations. The first step is a comprehensive initial visit to best assess your needs.
Cancer pain is complicated, often from multiple sources. Historically cancer pain has been treated with opioids as the sole treatment. We have better options now. There are medications with different mechanisms of action for different types of pain that could benefit you. Diagnostic and therapeutic injections can help in some situations. The first step is a comprehensive initial visit to best assess your needs.
Dr. Eller and Dr. White are happy to help with chronic headache pain if your neurologist feels that their services could benefit you. There are some injections that can help chronic headaches. These include:
There are times when joint pain exists and surgery is not the right solution. Don’t give up. Dr. Eller and Dr. White have options for you.
There are times when joint pain exists and surgery is not the right solution. Don’t give up. Dr. Eller and Dr. White have options for you.
Abdominal pain is also complicated. If your primary care doctor, surgeon, or gynecologist feels Dr. Eller and Dr. White can help diagnostically with your abdominal pain, they are happy to see you. Injections that can be utilized include:
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